Benefits of Tea – benefits of green tea, benefits of black tea, benefits of peppermint tea
Tea is a part of the everyday life for many people. We have seen the culture of serving tea to guests in many nations. Many of the people consider it as an instance of hospitality and the first thing they do when they meet a guest is offer them a cup of tea. Cultures apart, there is a clan who love tea so much that they drink tea multiple times a day. A considerable number of people think that the benefits of tea is significant and that it’s a great source of energy and if they don’t drink tea, they can’t stay energized. They get up and have tea, they drink tea in the middle of the work to stay energetic and avoid laziness and tedious nature.
Increases energy, attention, focus, concentration, memory: Tea extract contains a combination of caffeine and L-Theanine. It contains natural amino acid which has a strong impact to improve energy, attention, focus, concentration and memory. A cup of white tea means a cup of positivity at work.
Simultaneously it decreases the risk of dementia. Considering dementia at an old age is growing rapidly, the practice of having tea from an early age means lowering the risk of this troublesome disease.
Reduces stress
Tea is said to control cortisol popularly known as ‘stress hormone’ level. Regular consumption of significant quantity helps in reducing stress.
Keeps heart healthy
Active compounds in tea is able to lower the levels of inflammation and inflammatory reactions. It protects from cardiovascular diseases.
Improves bone health
Inflammation often opens the risk of arthritis, metabolic syndrome and depression. The presence of polyphenols in green tea improves bone strength and quality. Controls osteoporosis. While being an anti-inflmatory and anti-stress substance, tea can reduce the risk of arthritis, metabolic syndrome and depression.
Reduces age-ing
Being enriched with antioxidants, anti-stress and anti-inflammatory substance, tea helps to keep skin bright and young. Hence it passively acts as an anti-ageing substance.
Improves skin and body
A couple of cups of green tea a day improves skin and overall body composition. With the presence of substantial levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substance, it helps in keeping skin bright. Inflammation often retains water and makes one look puffy, a few cups of tea can cut excess water and makes one look thin and healthy. Additionally this beverage has no calorie, it’s perfect to maintain / lose weight if no sugar is added.
Cuts belly fat
Among many other reasons, belly fat is also caused by stress hormone cortisol and Low Density Lipoprotein. By controlling both, tea helps in controlling the belly fat too.
Reduces cholesterol level
Tea helps in reducing both total serum cholesterol and Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol. Consumption of a larger quantity of tea lowers cholesterol. Many people across the world is said to believe that pu-erh tea is able to lower cholesterol from large intestine.
Reduces the risk of stroke
Studies suggest that drinking a couple of cups of black tea each day at a regular basis lowers the risk of ischemic stroke. Black tea consumption showed reduced blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
Reduces the risk of cataracts
Tea is enriched with high levels of antioxidants. It protects eye tissues and prevents eyes from cataracts and old-age blindness.
Reduces risks of cancer
Some studies claim the presence of polyphenols in green tea reduces the risk of a few forms of cancer. It is said to claim that it lowers risk of gastrointestinal tract, breast, prostate, lung and skin cancer.